Consumer Whore

the text on the image may be difficult to read so I deliver it in black and white. I hope this all works... Jon
What is the purpose of our lives?
When we struggle to survive.
When can we sleep peacefully in our beds?
Without a feeling of anger or seeing red.
Greed and corruption is ruining this planet,
the want for more is driving me manic.
I sit and eat my humble pie as humanities greed
makes me rumble inside.
Vodaphone called me the other day asking me
whether I wanted a free upgrade.
I said no it is not neccessary,
i'm happy with what I am using.
I do not need the next new toy,
the slim fit one that fits in your pocket.
Just because it's lighter to carry around...
HELL have you seen China's ruined ground!
For the want and greed of the human being,
when shall the consumer society give in.
My laptop is old and heavy to carry around,
i'll have to trawl through the internet to Toshiba land;
so as I can ask there customer service department where
can I take my machine to get the damn thing repaired.
Or do I just take off the plastic shell and have a look
inside the PC hell, to clean the fan and give it a service;
replace the graphics card and a few of the circuits.
As most of it is working fine, a few minor problems
whilst I listen to the damn thing whine!
It really annoys me when manufacturers build in
I'm tiring of our wanton greed, what makes me
sad is it is what is expected of me,
The peer group pressure to want more...
beauutyfull jon , i love it , do you know a old punk band called poison girl and of couse death kenedy? franko x
I have promblems with the title of this post/work, wonder if you gave it much thought or just used the words which felt right. 'consumer whore' are women yet again to blame for everything in this society? oh yes of course we are, thats what being in a patriarch is all about!
Rachel, this has nothing to do with feminism or women in general... I write this poem from a mans perspective, yes men can be seen as whores (as a whore is in dictionary defenitions a prostitute and I have known of a few of these in my life) For me, I the use of the word whore to represent the way we all pay money to the capitalst pocket by buying into the consumer society.
I also believe that this work will mean many different things to many different people.
Rachel, when I refer to prostitutes I am refering to male ones...!
Through out my earlier years living in squats etc I have seen the other side of life. Something that i would prefer to discuss in person rather than on the blog
Hi John,
I appreciate the points you are making about consumerism in a capitalist society (and agree with them)and I expected that you would reply with the argument that men too can work as prostitutes which I also agree with. However I'm making a point about your choice of language, Whore is a term which is loaded with female connotations, if you had chosen to use a term such as 'rent boy' there would have been no question about whether you were refering to male or female. The title 'consumerist whore' is female gender descriptive in this society (and my on-line dictionary definition of whore is 'promiscuous woman')
On a broader note to use a term like whore within the context of capitalist arguement is again loaded, and the fight against capitalism is most certainly a feminist issue(as well as environmental, social etc) capitalism exploits everyone it can especially the most oppressed members of society, I believe that women in Western society are oppressed, but it is perhaps easier to think of oppressed women in a more gloabal context, women living in poverty, working in sweat shops, being traficked, being gang raped by armies as a weapon of mens wars fought for oil and power. So I suppose what I'm saying is that this does have something to do with feminism.
I don't mean this argument to read as aggression, your words have got me thinking and discussing, which i expect was the point of them, if my point has taken the focus in a different direction then cool, as you say this will mean different things to different people, but the world will become a better place for discussion (i hope)
rachel :)
Hello Rachel,
Thank you for your closed response, I to feel that the world would be a better place for dialouge, rather than the insane situation we seem to be in.
I have to chuckle to myself as I am the last boy in a family of 12 and I grew up with 6 sisters in front of me, all my brothers had flown the nest by the time I came along. I then became a hairdresser, working in a female led world. Furthermore I went to uni at the age of 30 to find that I was the only male on the course; there is only one other male in our studio base. I so live in a matriarchal society.
I send warm wishes to you this yueltide and congratulate you on becoming an aunt. I am sorry to hear at the loss of a grandparent. This time of year is not easy for many as I still miss my parents who both passed away over the period of my studies.
Jon :o)
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