19 March 2007

Reading the blog over the past couple of weeks, I haven’t really responded very much. There’s been a lot of images and visual material posted, which is great to see!! I vaguely remember someone saying they found it difficult to write on the blog….and since I read that I have been thinking of how much more I use the blog to write,(question, try to articulate), rather than post images. Aside from the fact that I have not been making/playing visually over the past month or so, I am reluctant to talk about work that it very young…. I am thinking about a few specific images…which I think at least one os on the website for the mentoring scheme- of a figure stood, sat on a plinth. I am interested in pushing these images into a live context, but I do not want to talk about it too much and post lots of images because I don’t want to tell people what it means, or what associations it has come to have for me, because I want it to exist for itself….for people to be with it in a live context, and to experience it in that situation first, before I waffle on about it here….
I hope that makes sense. More recently I am aware of how much my work sits in a comfort zone… making work in a live context scares the shit out of me, but I know with particular images, things that I have filmed because an idea has come up, would exist, should exist as a live experience…they are too flat and controlled and …well, I guess comfortable for me… anyway, if I can post an image here I will….if you don’t see one it’s because I can’t get the bloody thing to work again.
I hope everyone is well.
Take care, Katherine.
Katherine- lovely image- is it part of a bigger piece or body of work. how does the image exist when it's not a jepg on a blog?
have been reading the posts you have made in relation to my work and posts. I am thinking, and will respond soon. have no fear, i am not ignoring you.
live work can certainly be "uncomforting." it is good that you are exploring what is comfortable i seem to spend most of my time wondering why i do so much "uncomfortable " stuff. like everything it is about getting the balance right probably.
yes, i like the lighting in the photo.
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