Sunday, March 18, 2007

I am posting loads more images- but i thought it better to put them on my own blog page rather than on here- will put more on here when the really good ones come to me. i am just working through ideas at the moment- they are all from video- but i am quite enjoying them as still, i just have to work out how and where they will live as still images. please say anything you have in way or response to any images i post- thats why i post them. which ones are interesting/work for you? which don't? anything, everything.

so go to to have a lookie!!!

x X love and tenderness in the springtime X x




Blogger de-mentored said...

hello jacob, great new images , cool , i think is good to see your process , will you have a compiuter by the time the work shop start ? it will be c
good to see how your work,,
x xfranko

18 March, 2007 09:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't afford to get a new computer yet i don't think. It is a real fucker that the Arts council didn't include my request for equiptment in my funding, as it would make a huge difference to my cappabilities.

18 March, 2007 13:52  
Blogger Biggi said...

Oh Jacob,
I just lost a whole comment to you.
very much like these images. liked some of the earlier ones too but they seemed to lose their presence over the quantity of the images posted. I would love to see them in large on the wall to give them the space they deserve.
Also, how could you get so high quality stills from your video? I never seem to be able to do it. Those images really intrigue me wanting to see your video.
:-) Biggi

18 March, 2007 18:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


19 March, 2007 17:28  
Blogger Katherine said...


It's good to see lots of images Jacob.....

I like those in which you're in the bath, well, some of them more so than others... I like those where I'm not entirely sure of the situation, or of what is going on...the one here that shows the knee, and the water being so calm...

They have a beautiful stillness to them, so I can appreciate why you can see then and are enjoying seeing them as stills....I find it difficult to imagine them as a video I guess, because it is their stillness that I am drawn to I think.... their clarity, yet their refusal to be defined so definitely, or at least more so than some of the others. I think some of the others seem more like someone having a bath, but those that are more still…I’m thinking particularly of the one with the knee on the blog here, and also the one on your blog with an arm in the shot on the right hand side of the image. Their clarity has a different feel to the work you showed when we all met at the South London Gallery….that video had a haze to it, which gave it an older feel, as if it could have been made some time ago, but the clarity of these suggests the here and now….

I am also drawn to these images more than some of the others I guess because they maybe hold something of that which exists in my own work…of the body, and that being enough of a presence without having to actually physically do anything….and in that sense, yes they work as stills….

I am curious to hear how you feel about the work…or maybe not so much how you feel, but how you would place them…. I kind of what to know more about what they mean to you, but I don’t like to ask that question, because I am forever telling myself that anyone’s work should be able to stand on it’s own without explanation, or I should be able to spend time with the work, without someone telling me what to think about it. So….well, I guess I am asking to know more, but also trying not to ask too…which sounds very unhelpful.

19 March, 2007 20:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am thinking about my response.

It is really great to here what you see in the images and which ones speak strongest to you. I am at the stage in my process where i am just going through hours and hours of past footage/images and churning out lots and lots of images/video clips. so that i can spend some time with them, work out why i picked them, which ones have strength or are interesting. But it is just as important to get other peoples reactions critical responses to the images.

I do like to use lots of images at once. i like a visual overload. i think. let me think about it more as i am going vauge now, and thats no good. it's ok in a conversation (to go vauge) but here publishing inarticulate rambling makes me feel very vunerable. so i will stop.

oh it's funny the blog- i am beggining to really get into it- find it helpful- but then also I am very unsure of it at the same time. I'ts like i don't quite trust it yet!

Also the resedency will help loads because although i have met you all a couple of times, i haven't really got to know any of you yet and my memory is rubbish so it feels hard to identify the comments/posts on the blog as coming from 'real' people. kind of maybe! anyone... help!

21 March, 2007 12:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am thinking about my response.

It is really great to here what you see in the images and which ones speak strongest to you. I am at the stage in my process where i am just going through hours and hours of past footage/images and churning out lots and lots of images/video clips. so that i can spend some time with them, work out why i picked them, which ones have strength or are interesting. But it is just as important to get other peoples reactions critical responses to the images.

I do like to use lots of images at once. i like a visual overload. i think. let me think about it more as i am going vauge now, and thats no good. it's ok in a conversation (to go vauge) but here publishing inarticulate rambling makes me feel very vunerable. so i will stop.

oh it's funny the blog- i am beggining to really get into it- find it helpful- but then also I am very unsure of it at the same time. I'ts like i don't quite trust it yet!

Also the resedency will help loads because although i have met you all a couple of times, i haven't really got to know any of you yet and my memory is rubbish so it feels hard to identify the comments/posts on the blog as coming from 'real' people. kind of maybe! anyone... help!

21 March, 2007 12:49  
Blogger Biggi said...

Hi Jacob,
it's so good to read your comment as I feel exactly the same about the blog as well as share your fascination with video image overload.
The blog thing is a bit tricky. I think there is a lot of constructive criticism but also a lot of struggle to just leave a comment for the sake of it. I often realise that under the time pressure I don't get the chance to actually really deep-dive into a thought process and let it flow.
I also think it is difficult to get into subject matters that are not necessarily on our wavelengths although we try hard. There is also the fear of possibly being too critical and upsetting anybody. It is important to accept constructive criticism - and I think what we sometimes don't realise is that through criticism we are given the opportunity to grow - lovey dovey talk refuses that right and I am sometimes catching myself of choosing this option towards others - just because I have the feeling that someone might not be able to take it - because, let's face it, art is something tremendously personal and at the very heart; the pulse of life. Asking in-depth questions will help ourselves to realise who we are and what our work is about.
(Hey big words from someone who can be sometimes hurt too - but guess what - that really gets me going and my "i will show that I can do better" gets stifled)
Anyway... trust is a very important matter and also, trust needs to be earned - i think. Trust is something closely intangled with Respect. we will soon have the chance to find that out. Also, I must say some people on the blog are really getting my inspirations going... thank you all!!!
gotta go now but will be back soon for mor waffling... :-)

22 March, 2007 15:59  
Blogger Biggi said...

... argh. Why do I keep on loosing my comments? It's the second time on this page now!

what was I saying? I am looking forward to next week as I need some people to squeeze it out of me. One too easily hides behind half-hearted answers and is happy to accept unconfrontational questions. It's easy to hide. But sometimes we need someone who does have the distance to our work and doesn't have any fear to press the right buttons and naggs us to squeeze it out of us (mentally of course).
The video footage issue - you see: I never do it anymore - and I should give it another try. Maybe that is actually a very good idea what you are doing. At some point I actually found some good recent imagery I had taken and used it in a piece which was very similar to the idea I originally had filmed it for. And guess what? It was a disaster!!! I felt so ashamed with the outcome (exhibited in a group exhibition we organised ourselves) that I fear to admit to it.
I don't know what it is - but since then I am staying clear of it. I call it footage recycling!
Maybe because it has something very personal at the moment of recording and in a certain context... and somehow it doesn't seem to be revivable. But maybe it was just a shit footage I used in this particular film and making too big an elephant out of it. Actually maybe you mean purely as inspiration.
I love the body close-ups of your images and I love the ones featuring water to some extend. I need to go back though to have another look again. There was a very blurry picture as well I really enjoyed...
with the image overload: I really enjoy doing it through overlayering. Somehow I am trying to move away from it... people weren't able to read my work and get a message out of it... but my work is bound to historical facts but on the other hand a very personal account of living the emotional consequences ... well am not sure if that actually makes a difference. I have the feeling that I am pushing against a hurdle (how to use simple imagery) and not finding the way to get over it!!! You know these moments when you are trying to find the AHA moment and you just seem to be tapping in the dark.
I do realise that I am seriously lacking of concentration now... and sorry that I have waffled on make not any sense anymore.

Gotta stop now!!!

22 March, 2007 17:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


thank you for your comments. I have read them, but will need to re-read them and comment on them later when i have more time.

It looks like I may have found some computer equiptment for the week which will be good. looking forward to it now. xxx


24 March, 2007 10:42  
Blogger Biggi said...

Wow. congratulations.
How did you do it?
If you don't mind I would love to pop by in your space the next week and have a chat with you about editing (the time when we are permitted to chat). Need some buddy to exchange ideas about editing secrets- especially pictoral "story telling" advice. I love working with video - especially editing it - but somehow I don't seem to understand how to put the footage together... better ... to actually tell a proper story without being to fragmented and without being too literal. I think i want to show my degree piece which has flaws and as I never got critical feedback from it (as you don't when you do your final degree piece). I need some help with understanding the powers of "footage combination" Maybe I can help you too... and as we are both seemingly inspired by the same quality of footage it might be really useful to get our heads together... just a thought.

don't worry about my text before... i meant it - but I sometimes blurble a lot...

24 March, 2007 15:23  

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