I don't knowwwwwhat is it...

I just finished typing this banner, and wanted to share it. it took a long time to do it, and now my mind is muffled. There is a lot of frustration at the beginning of it - i started typing the letters with a pattern, and in between letters, I typed swear words to vent some of my frustration with the process. then, when I was about half way through, I started to make the letters out of words instead - I just typed whatever came into my mind, which I found a bit more interesting, because it was difficult to follow my train of thought at the same time as making sure that all of the characters went in the right place. After doing that for a while, I went back to the pattern, this time with much less frustration. I feel quite good about it now.
It's about 3 and a half metres long.
What does anyone think about it?
Tom x
p.s. - click on the pictures to see more detail
hello tom , i love it , would like to see how you would present it ? folded and people have to bring it out and unfolded , or on a wall maybe pinned to a wall , franko
yes...i would like to see it rolled up as a scroll and tied tight with a ribbon and kept in a little basket with other scrolls that what i do cause i lik eit the best.
It's fucking brilliant! I love it.
I especially like the scale.
I like the idea of copying it and fly posting it everywhere.
thanks for your comments / ideas.
zaza - while i like the idea of having it rolled and bound with ribbon, i don't think that i can do this because the paper it's on is quite fragile as it has perforations every twenty eight centimetres (it's on that old fashioned computer paper). i would be worried that it would be easily destroyed if handled by people.
rachel - i like your fly posting idea, and will think about this more.
i think the original banner though should be pinned to a wall.
Hi Tom,
I really appreciate the piece due to your sheer determination which has been put into it. The wording is a question I often ask myself.
I'll leave it with you as how to display it, the right way will come to light in its own time.
Looking forward to seeing the piece in real time though
like it. As I said to you before it is like an empyting out, through repitition. I like the image of you and the typewriter, joined at the finger, tapping away ...
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