Saturday, January 27, 2007

insomnia and meds

the early hours of the dawn I see
cause of anxious mind
if only i could sleep
would I wake a better person?
what rhyme or reason is upon my shoulders?
as I sit here thinking
as the tobacco smoulders
in the ashtray
in the early hours of the dawn
why do I not sleep at night?
thanks to my meds!
I try to shut out humanities fight
I lay my head against the pillow
counting aimlessly
listening to the wind blowing
and the patter of the rain
whilst i try to shut down the insomniac brain


Blogger de-mentored said...

hello jonn i like tghe poem , whayt i like most is your voice in it , i get what you are sayng and feeling , it make me think of lot of things i go trough some time ,[ im not looking it a what ever is a good poem or not , but i like it a s a piece of visual language which invoke a lot . franko x x

28 January, 2007 14:11  
Blogger Katherine said...

Jon, are you often up at this time, i mean at like four in the morning?

I know it's different because I choose to be up late and am not physically kept awake by medication, but from this time onwards, about midnight until four always feels like the best part of the day, even though i don't see it so often.....and yet despite obviously feeling quite different about it, experiencing it in such different ways, the image of the cigarette smoke seems familiar....i associate it so much more with the early hours of the morning than any other time of the day....

29 January, 2007 23:50  
Blogger jon said...

Hi Katherine,

apart form insomnia, the early hours I feel are my time. time to think, digest, absorb and express my inner most thoughts. No phone calls, no one disturbing me in my train of thought whilst I potter around thinking about what work to produce, workshop proposals to write, grant applications to draft or what to have for my evening meal.

In my earlier years i have worked behind bars and as a postman for the royal mail... I guess I've become accustomed to be a night owl.

The best thing about the early hours if I admit it is that living so close to open fields I know I could drive out into the lanes of hertfordshire and watch the wildlife and nature continuing their routine whilst we homo sapiens do what we do.

Some of my favourite times are watching the sun rise on a frosty morning. watching the shadows cast onto the walls of the interior of my house created by the rambling rose and jasmine that are outside my back windows; it's like watching my own personal video created free by nature.

Hearing the bird song before the noise of humanity drowns it out. seeing the fox and badger forrage for food. realising there is more on this planet than just US.

30 January, 2007 02:54  

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