Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fully licensed


I hope everyone is well.

Well, having posted at teh beginning of January about the excitement at the thought of passing my driving test, I have finally done it!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am about it, and I keep havng to remind myself of it. Starting learning to drive coincided with strating on teh mentoring scheme, so those things that surfaced during my one to ones about being more independent and striving towards where i want to be seem to be tied up with passing my test and achieving my ticket to a sense of freedom.

It is a liberating experience. in September 2005 I remember sitting down and writing a list of things I wante dto do with my life. I rarely do this in such a definite manner. There were two things that I wrote down that I wanted to do, or at least i wante dto try to do, and these things signalled a departure from a particular period in my life. he first thing i wante dto do was run teh London marathon again. I had run the marathon in my first year of university in London- partly as a way of using up my time- I knew few people in London and the first year was a struggle in a number of ways. It was symbolic in that by teh end of that year I felt as if pathways were opening up and by achieving something I had set out to do, it gave me confidenece and belief in myself. I ran teh marathin again last year, ad the sense of purpose and achievement it gave me at teh time were really important. Learning to drive was always going to take that bit longer, but was equally, if not more, important. It was, and ism about independence for me. So, being told "you've passed" symbolises so much more than being able to get in a was about facilitating myself, my practice.

It's funny to sit here now and write this, to realise how much meaning I have come to attach to being able to drive....because it isn't, and never has been,. about atually being able to drive, and the ability and physical getting in a car, but about gaining that independence, opening up possibilities for myself and my work....and about confidence.

So, having thought I would just pass and feel good, maybe hire a car as and when i need to, now I am considering buying a car....shit, t feels immensely liberating and freeing and empowering....which is what i want, and i think what i need. Giving myself the confidence and power and opening up possibilities.....


Blogger de-mentored said...

hello katherine great news. x x

03 February, 2007 23:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello K. well done.
i also want to say i got your apology which was absolutely uneccesary. you have nothing whatsoever to apologise for. i apologise to you for making you feel that. the matter can nothing to do with you. it was a matter over my other blogs so nothing for you or anyone else to feel refererred to. i like a lot of what you said and was going to get back to you. it was a discussion i was looking forward to as it was around some issues i have to clarify. so if you can go back to that blog you will see i have replied to you and we can continue if you want. in fact the analogy of a driver instructor does quite nicely. In BDSM being dominated is a bit like that, the instructor is in control but it is so you learn you submit to him/her because doing so suits your purposes and you are in a position of dependence and there is a lot of trust and respect involved.

04 February, 2007 21:10  
Blogger Nina said...

Hi Katherine.
Well done lady. My driving test took me three times. It is always something I look back at and think, yes perseverance got me there and will do again in everything else. i still go by the saying that if you really want something, you will get it ...eventually!.
At the moment I'm applying for MA's again! I'm not sure if I'll ever make it, but I'll die trying and all that!
Work are hiring me a van this week and I'm shitting myself. I've never driven in London , let alone a van. Think I need a tom tom. Any advice?
Wuld love to see you soon, maybe Birmingham?
In reference to zazza, I think driving is so liberating, because of control. It does give me a buzz as I am usual a submissive character and taking control driving really does give you a huge amount of confidence

06 February, 2007 17:36  
Blogger Girldrag said...

Congratulations, Katherine!

I passed my test years ago, but didn't drive for quite a long time after. Since I then I have driven a fair bit over the years, and I still feel a sense of thrill when I remember that if I want or need to, I can drive. It's great on hols, if you do want to move around.

Good on ya, lady!

08 February, 2007 13:18  
Blogger Steven said...


Fan tas tic!! Not only do you have a working set of legs, but now access to a perfect set of wheels!

speaking of hols, you are always welcome way down south....

I spend all my time in the car running from place to place, I don't clean it on the outside, aiming to be the dirtest car in Cornwall!

09 February, 2007 09:18  

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