photographs of exhibition

guys, I can't believe that as soon as the mentoring week is over I suddenly understand how to post images... wow.
here are two of the four photographs I will be showing. So you get an idea.
and here is the idea behind those:
I am using photography as a means to capture and trigger an extended engagement with the ordinary. I’m proposing immersive encounters of isolation, self-consciousness, identity, anticipatory silence. My photographs form a series of intimate ‘still moments’ of a mundane reality that counterbalance the thematic intensity of my main practise that explores complex psychological states of identity, self-doubt and collective guilt. (ok, the half of the last sentence has now changed since last week)
The images of the series Library are part of a concept of the re-mystification of spaces. They evolved in response to the space they were initially exhibited in (library of The Foundry).
;-) Biggi
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