suddenly everyhting seems so different

hello all ,
It's sunday evening and after waiting 2 days to get my net connection up and running again and some much needed rest I can only add my thanks to the list which has gone already. Franko, I've posted a comment on your post. A really big thankyou for being there and enabling me the opportunities that have arising to date. Thank you for caring.
Thanks go to Rachel for the hospitality given on monday. it was great to catch up with all of you from last years scheme, to discuss how things have developed. Lucille, sorry i missed your performance at RVT. I hope all went well, unfortunatley after an intense week i needed to get some rest.
To all of this years group, it was a pleasure to spend time with you all and to get an insight into your work, thoughts and feelings. Thank you for your feedback and allowing me the chance to continue with my obsevations. Observations and layers are something that I now realise are a
continuous theme within my work.
Minda, I hope everything is ok at home, my thoughts are with you.
lisa, I look forward to the post of video and sound, talking with you in depth has given me a belief in the direction of my work. Performance/live art - where do I start?
my mind is still reeling from the week and there is so much that I want to say. However I still need time to digest my thoughts so more of this later.
sorry about the out of focus images. should have checked them before posting
Hi Jon and all,
sorry to hijack your message like that, I don't seem to be able to post a new message at the moment...
just with VERY SHORT NOTICE to tell everyone that since yesterday I am participating in an one week exhibition at top of Brick Lane... and P.V. is tonight , Tuesday 6-9pm. They are a bunch of old photographs... so nothing terribly exciting but it would be lovely to see a friendly face tonight (as everyone seems to have made plans already, sniff). It is from 6pm until 9pm. It's organised through Artshole... Here is the website with details (they used my birth name: Birgitt Stiller, just in case you are wondering) and this is the gallery website it's at the top end of Brick Lane and bottom end of Redchurch street. It's a bit scary so if anyone has absolutely nothing to do tonight and is bored come around and join me. And Jon, love the images... need to loose weight and I can clearly see that some of you were really drained... sorry about that. ;-)
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