Monday, June 04, 2007


My apologies for being a little on the quiet side recently….I guess I just felt like being quiet and still for a while. I have been reading though, and it is good to feel pulled in by the blog and excited just reading…

There are things I wanted to throw into the pot, but I will come back to these shortly.

I thought I would post a couple of images…somehow they seem to hold an affinity to how I feel at the moment….from the performance at EEC at the beginning of May.

Life feels out of sync at the moment…”mind the gap between your thoughts and reality” someone used to say this to me frequently…I don’t want to though. I am unsettled at work. I was given a really positive initial reaction to reducing my hours at work, in order to be able to be at Wysing for at least two days a week….now it seems this might not be the case…I am looking elsewhere, so it feels a little unsettling…the person I sit next to at work keeps saying that everyone goes through times at work when they’re not so happy….I don’t want to sit in an office feeling like everything that excites me is outside the door…I refuse to accept that this is it…I want my life to be beautiful, and I know it can be, it is at times…and it is about searching for that, knowing not to accept something that isn’t that…

The performance at EEC was a really positive experience. I felt really anxious, but I think, if I’m honest, it’s the first time that I have looked back and felt so excited by a piece of work that is live…..because it is not known, it has thrown up ideas and images that were unexpected….because in the images I have, I am surprised and engaged…for me, they are really beautiful…not in a familiar sense, but because they are like an unexpected by-product….less definite, less defined and immediate…

And maybe because there is a sense of balance…

I keep coming back to this word defiant when I am scribbling down notes. I want that in my work. Defiance…in fact I am not even certain I know what that means…but I want the work to be unashamed, unreserved and not held back…

A quiet physicality that expands one’s thinking….I come back to that thought that thinking through the work is better for me, that the work would emerge if I give it time…

It was really interesting to read about being anxious and not feeling confident to invite people to work…Biggi, I guess in a way I can relate to your post, but also to the responses posted later…but I also can’t help thinking that the anxiety, and the doubt and the (sometimes) sense of inadequacy is drawn into the work…( I use the word inadequacy, more of something from me, rather than something you have said, and certainly not something I have thought about you or your work!)…

Franko, confidence was something that came up in those few days around EEC when I saw you….do you think it is about strategy? I think it is true to say that sometimes I feel like a genius at work…not because it’s big or clever, but because the genuine excitement and, well engagement, (yes, I do overuse that word), makes me feel like I do have this relationship with the work that means confidence is totally and utterly irrelevant, it isn’t in the slightest way a conscious thought, because the work is just there and it’s just you and the work. I suppose it is putting it out there, trying to engage someone else in this precious relationship that feels more conscious, and therefore more difficult too…..but I am still not sure it is such a conscious feeling….and then the other side of the scale is feeling like an utter failure….which I think comes less from the work, and more from me…and it difficult to articulate what one means by such a weighty word, other than a sense of losing oneself and that relationship to the work….(an, yes, rejections don’t seem to help…)

I want my work to be quiet and intimate and subtle. And I want my relationship with it, which is all these things to also be present for other people….but go beyond what I can be with it…

So, in one sense I don’t have a particularly constructive response to your post Biggi….other than that to believe in the work for yourself is so very important, which I guess is not something you need to be told in the slightest, but other than that I do not know what else to say…hmm, suddenly writing this here actually makes it less easy to get out any words…but I would be interested to speak to you more in person about it.

When I do not write on the blog for a while I forget how precious it is…how much it opens up one way in which I engage with you as a group of people, as a way of thinking about my own work, and how life is more generally….

….and as clichéd as it is, life feels that bit closer than it did at three o’clock this afternoon when I was sat looking at bank accounts at work this afternoon, for coming back to what is important in my life, and being able to share and throw it out there….

It would be lovely to meet up with everyone soon. It was mentioned a meeting in Stevenage near Jon? Is this still on? Dates….? I’m definitely up for it, looking forward to it…

With love



Blogger jon said...

Hi Katherine, the images are outstanding, visual poetry, vunerable and delicate yet powerful and meanigfull. yes open studios are still on, i'll repost the info on the main blog. r u looking forward to your move to wysing?

hugs jon

05 June, 2007 21:12  
Blogger Biggi said...

Hey Katherine,
your images are absolutely beautiful and as Jon says pure poetry. Now, I am very curious about the performance and seeing these highly sutble images don't seem to answer my curiosity at all - rather the opposite. They leave such a vast "amount" of speculative space where the mind can wonder off and come back at times with the most diverse answers and further questions. I would like to know more about it. Was it a one2one performance, performance to camera? was it ambiguous or directional?

In regards to your job I can't believe what this person right next to you says - this is just the usual office bullshit (pardon me). something like - the grass is always greener on the other side - My answer to her would be: Get a life!!! Life is not about resigning to boredom and un-fullfillment because someone "above us" decides that's how it's supposed to be. These helpless creatures really creep me out. You have your reasons why you feel like it - and you are working on solutions!
I am at a point where I am realising that full-time doesn't play that well alongside art making anymore - my health seems to be at stake - and I need to find a solution to the Big Frustration. And guess what - something seems to open up slightly ... can't talk about it at the moment because it still hangs in the strings... more in a couple of days or so!

Thank you for your comments about my earlier post. I really pushed myself with my last invite. Usually I send 2 invites out to best friends who usually come. This time I was going completely over the top with it... I sent it to the Arts Council, Galleries, old College friends, colleagues... almost everybody. And I was so scared - especially when I realised that the projection was having technical difficulties (barely visible vibration in the image). In the end it was fantastic. The P.V. had great atmosphere - It was a wonderful night - and, funnily, only two of my people turned up - Lisa (thank you very much, my dear friend) and Nicki (a good old college friend of mine). So, all the fuss of being scared because I invited everyone was in vain. And I wasn't upset about it at all. I had a great time.
One of the major reasons why I decided to dive into the deep end was Harminder's comment he once made: ... someone approached him after following his moves for about two years or so ... (sorry, Harminder if I repeat this wrongly now), so I though I let people know about my moves... and interestingly someone came along who was a specialist in eye movements in a psychological context... which was a fantastic coincidence given what work I was showing... too complex now to explain. It was great.
Would be lovely to meet up some time for a chat.

06 June, 2007 18:47  

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