Sunday, January 28, 2007
Previous Posts
- relinqishing the right to comment
- I don't knowwwwwhat is it...
- hello everyonenew and old people....i ve been terr...
- insomnia and meds
- what can we do about it
- I can put up 2 people during residency week..
- Hello everyone! I am here!
- selfportrait. to see more go to zaza's blogspot.
- a bondage session today 25/1/07 with snakeman. to ...
- kind of proves the point - discrimination on all f...
dear zaza . 2 things , first . use this blog fully .. there is not point to put one thing and then inviting us to check your blog ,, this as to be use fully [ not part time ] honey..
second point , is NO NO NO .. art is not about turning shit to gold ..
x x x
I see art as an extention of my self, my reactions, my opinions, my everyday. It flavours my politics, my loves, my dislikes, where I spend my time, and what I do (or not do) when I am there. Its not a burden, its a happy challenge that I want for the rest of my life.
Its a language and an engagment with others, a meeting or heated debate. I feel fucking lucky I found it and it found me.
It ain't shit.
Zaza, are you suggesting that your art, your practice, is 'other' from you? If not you are doing yourself a diservice.
Qualify what your point is please.
Steven, I really like what you're saying here...I guess i make the assumption that everyone kind of has a relationship with art in a similar way to me, but it's so good to read what you've written's quite beautiful in fact.
i was speaking to someon elast week, someone I have only met a few times before and they are not an artist...we were talking about priorites and what was important to us... and what I feel is pretty much what you've said here- art certainly isn't just a bloody hobby- despite that being what a number of people i spend time iwth on a regular basis think, (people at my paid work).. it's more like a way of seeing things and sharing things and being in the world....i remember reading an artist's statement a couple of years ago and it had this as part f it...."i want the work to teach me how to live", and i guess that's what i want. art is at the core, even when i am not physically making or doing it, because it seeps into every aspect of my thinking and being, and yes, i feel fucking lucky- it is frightening to think of life without it at the core.
But i am not sure that i know how to read this thing about turning shit into gold...
maybe because i am naive and slightly dim at times my first reaction is to read it that art makes things more clear, ie feel less shit?
Hmm, not sure....
oh, but i'm not sure happy challenge is a phrase i would use for my own practice or relationship with art- it feels incredibly frustrating at times...but then i guess that's part of it, the struggle and the never fully absolutely having a firm grip on it.
Speaking to the same person as I was about priorities, i was talking about things in my life and i seem to have very rigid structured nine to five job, daily routines, but the art is so unstructured..... it's fluid and in this constant state of flux...which is maybe why it's so frustrating and overwhelmingly engaging... and also maybe why my practice exists as it does, with wuite long periods of time beating myself up about not making work, only to then have something's the lack of structure and certainty that allows for the work to emerge.
Anyway, before i go on and on, i wanted to say what I've been doing...but I have an image, (not my own I am afraid, so will start a new post....
hello every one , the intresting thing and confiusin is why zaza din't publush her full writting that she wrote on her "own " blog ? because actualy her writting on her blog where she then took out the quote , artis liketurning shit to.... there it make totaly another sense , .. so why taking things out of context ? i feel if zaza was contibuiting to the dementoring blogin the same generosity as her own blog , it would help us having a better access to her and her practice and her thinking ... don't you think???
Hi Katherine
The happy challenge is me idealising, i am frustrated at the moment, not trusting my instincts, but I know if I perceiver I will get a break through. Still pissy to go through it. Well done for picking me up on that!
When you say you don't make work, you mean not as you know it, but I bet you are, storing the frustration, building the might not call it work, but it eventually feeds what you produce.
yes i think k, a steven make interesting and valid points. i agree with steven- i feel lucky too
i dont think art is shit i think it is my life.
and k. has made this point-"maybe because i am naive and slightly dim at times my first reaction is to read it that art makes things more clear, ie feel less shit?"
and on one level this is what i meant. i entirely agree.
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