hello all i would be glad of any comments on the pieces i did below (january) entuitled "The rope" and a bit about the rope. do you think it would work. vdo you think writing about a performance and not doing it is a valid art form?
hi zaza, i think it sounded interesting, but i think you should actually do it, rather than just describing it. an explanation can only get you so far. the idea will undoubtedly develop in ways that you can't imagine if you make yourself actualise it. i don't think you can really learn from it and take it further unless you do it, or try to do it, or do something beyond the safety and comfort of a mere description. also, you'll be able to see people's reactions to it. i'd like to see it. x
hello zaza , i think is ok to talk about things as long they are described for what they are ,, the issue is not so much about talking or doing but intentions.. i mean that the idea it self can be the work from a " performing narative " point of vew or actual intention,,, one has to decice at that specific moment what the intention is ,? if the intention is not to perform [ it ] then i assume that is your perogative to decide that .. descibiong some thing [or story telling lets calle it ] and the act of performance or performing it .. are to different things and actualy not neccessary related from the point of wev of validation , reason or justification for existing,,.. the" story? it self is intresting what then you do with it or not does not change that on the other hand turning in to " anything ? also does change that ,, is it what the intention that matters , the strategies in which one use to develop/ telling / showing / exerimenting etc etc are personal choices that i assume one makes as part of the jornej one imbarcs on .. x x
yes tom, you are right, you can only go so far with the writing but actually DOING something develops way beyond that and leads to (perhaps) deeper learning experiences, because the physiacl body is involved instead of just the intellect...engaging with the environment (including people)is certainly not as safe or comfortabel and that brings me back to the question of what it means to be exposed...which is something franco and i discussed on my one-to-one... INTENTION...this has got me really thinking; STRATEGIES another word fraco uses a lot...i must admit i dont think enough about either...yes i do at an unconscious level but of course this is not enough is it. i hope i will develop consciously an wareness of intention and also of strategy. i think it is very important and during this year this is certainly high on my agenda. i feel that my work is perhaps too heavily intuitive (which of course is a pitfall of writing) and would benefit from some rigorous analyses. i would like to discuss intention and strategies a bit more. I find it quite hard to consolidate my thoughts and feelings on these matters...so maybe i am trying to settle into something comfortable too early.
from a performance point of view it might even work with the story being repeated and distored ( or i could recite it ) while actually carrying the act out...this has helped me to develop my ideas on this thankyou both.
Hi Zaza, tis an interesting question. You have described the piece and spent the time to post the blog; is this performing the piece and allowing your audience time to have a imaginary picture in their imagination. VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE. I opened this question to others in the room with me, they answered...
"Is this not the same as stories which we read or drama which we listen to on the radio."
yes, there is that, but, i think that because of the way it was originally pitched - as a performance, that to now say it will just stay a description seems like a cop out. why call it a performance if it is a story? to me it just seems underwhelming and anticlimatic to leave it like this.
also, in my opinion, the problem with an explanation on its own is that you impose your interpretation of the meaning of your idea on your audience without really giving them a chance to develop their own.
hi, looking at it now, i think my last comment was a bit harsh - i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way. i think my concern is your motivation for leaving it like this. it would be a shame if you did it for the wrong reasons, because it's so much easier than actually doing it, but also, if it's part of the work, then of course that's fine, and interesting.
i find it slightly strange that you ask if it's a valid art form, because surely this is for you to say? i think it's up to you to make it valid, whatever it is.
i dont this it is strange to ask others if they think it is valid...i already know what i think and want to compare that with others views and see where that leads...i do not think it is the same as a story i see it more as a maquette and i think as an imagist poem...maybe even like a photograph or some other form of recording or documentation,,,i am playing around with this idea...i could have performed it, you would be none the wiser...but it is definitely not a DESCRIPTION it is a performance piece even at this level...this you may find strange..i could perform it in a closed room in front of a camera wouldnt that be the same as writing a story too...there is no audience feed back...quite a lot of performnace happens without an audience and yet performance art is an act( with artistic intention) performed in front of people...documentation becomes more important than the actual performance sometimes...this leads into the validity of what is called LIVE ART in contrast to what was know as PerFORMANCE art which as far as i know was always in front of people (whether documented or not) whereas videoing an action in a closed room is perhaps no different from film making...i dont know...there are so many questions that come form asking one question...we seem to be toucjhing on the wider question of what constitutes Performance ART here...not a small question.
finally back to what jons friends said i would say it could be viewed as the same but is also different. hmm! i like it very much and will perform it AND document it.
hi zaza, i think it sounded interesting, but i think you should actually do it, rather than just describing it. an explanation can only get you so far. the idea will undoubtedly develop in ways that you can't imagine if you make yourself actualise it. i don't think you can really learn from it and take it further unless you do it, or try to do it, or do something beyond the safety and comfort of a mere description. also, you'll be able to see people's reactions to it. i'd like to see it.
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hello zaza , i think is ok to talk about things as long they are described for what they are ,, the issue is not so much about talking or doing but intentions.. i mean that the idea it self can be the work from a " performing narative " point of vew or actual intention,,,
one has to decice at that specific moment what the intention is ,? if the intention is not to perform [ it ] then i assume that is your perogative to decide that .. descibiong some thing [or story telling lets calle it ] and the act of performance or performing it .. are to different things and actualy not neccessary related from the point of wev of validation , reason or justification for existing,,..
the" story? it self is intresting what then you do with it or not does not change that on the other hand turning in to " anything ? also does change that ,, is it what the intention that matters , the strategies in which one use to develop/ telling / showing / exerimenting etc etc are personal choices that i assume one makes as part of the jornej one imbarcs on ..
x x
that was franko
yes tom, you are right, you can only go so far with the writing but actually DOING something develops way beyond that and leads to (perhaps) deeper learning experiences, because the physiacl body is involved instead of just the intellect...engaging with the environment (including people)is certainly not as safe or comfortabel and that brings me back to the question of what it means to be exposed...which is something franco and i discussed on my one-to-one...
INTENTION...this has got me really thinking; STRATEGIES another word fraco uses a lot...i must admit i dont think enough about either...yes i do at an unconscious level but of course this is not enough is it. i hope i will develop consciously an wareness of intention and also of strategy. i think it is very important and during this year this is certainly high on my agenda. i feel that my work is perhaps too heavily intuitive (which of course is a pitfall of writing) and would benefit from some rigorous analyses. i would like to discuss intention and strategies a bit more. I find it quite hard to consolidate my thoughts and feelings on these matters...so maybe i am trying to settle into something comfortable too early.
from a performance point of view it might even work with the story being repeated and distored ( or i could recite it ) while actually carrying the act out...this has helped me to develop my ideas on this thankyou both.
Hi Zaza, tis an interesting question. You have described the piece and spent the time to post the blog; is this performing the piece and allowing your audience time to have a imaginary picture in their imagination. VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE. I opened this question to others in the room with me, they answered...
"Is this not the same as stories which we read or drama which we listen to on the radio."
yes, there is that, but, i think that because of the way it was originally pitched - as a performance, that to now say it will just stay a description seems like a cop out. why call it a performance if it is a story? to me it just seems underwhelming and anticlimatic to leave it like this.
also, in my opinion, the problem with an explanation on its own is that you impose your interpretation of the meaning of your idea on your audience without really giving them a chance to develop their own.
hi, looking at it now, i think my last comment was a bit harsh - i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way. i think my concern is your motivation for leaving it like this. it would be a shame if you did it for the wrong reasons, because it's so much easier than actually doing it, but also, if it's part of the work, then of course that's fine, and interesting.
i find it slightly strange that you ask if it's a valid art form, because surely this is for you to say? i think it's up to you to make it valid, whatever it is.
i dont this it is strange to ask others if they think it is valid...i already know what i think and want to compare that with others views and see where that leads...i do not think it is the same as a story i see it more as a maquette and i think as an imagist poem...maybe even like a photograph or some other form of recording or documentation,,,i am playing around with this idea...i could have performed it, you would be none the wiser...but it is definitely not a DESCRIPTION it is a performance piece even at this level...this you may find strange..i could perform it in a closed room in front of a camera wouldnt that be the same as writing a story too...there is no audience feed back...quite a lot of performnace happens without an audience and yet performance art is an act( with artistic intention) performed in front of people...documentation becomes more important than the actual performance sometimes...this leads into the validity of what is called LIVE ART in contrast to what was know as PerFORMANCE art which as far as i know was always in front of people (whether documented or not) whereas videoing an action in a closed room is perhaps no different from film making...i dont know...there are so many questions that come form asking one question...we seem to be toucjhing on the wider question of what constitutes Performance ART here...not a small question.
finally back to what jons friends said i would say it could be viewed as the same but is also different. hmm! i like it very much and will perform it AND document it.
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