Tricks, Sleight-of-Hand, Balloon Artistry...

Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you know that I am performing on Saturday as part of the Strictly Bona Ball, a benefit for Transfabulous! the transgender arts festival that will happen in the summer in London.
Here's the blurb:
‘Magical Entertainer: tricks, sleight-of-hand, balloon artistry’ adopts the format of roller skate clad cabaret performer of close-up magic. I can neither skate, perform magic, or do balloon modelling. My motivation in combining three pastimes in which I am a complete beginner is in order to occupy a space where I am bound to fail in terms of audience expectations.
It is key to this work that I will be performing to individual audience members/ small groups, because key to this space is the intimacy of such a

This work has been created as part of the ‘Strictly Bona Ball’, a fundraiser for the Transfabulous Transgender Arts Festival 2007 ( It will also be part of ‘Losing It: Mad Chicks Sans Frontières: A wild night of Art, Music, Performance & Film’, presented by Creative Routes, Mad Pride and Mad Chicks, and ‘Bird Club Extravaganza’ a live event presented as part of the London Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Film Festival, both in March.
Have been enjoying playing with my performing persona; she is well-meaning, enthusiastic, polite but essentially an amateur, and not very good at what she is doing.
As you may pick up in these photos, my make-up is erring on the side of 'show' but in a not very skilled way. Let's just say I will be aiming for a visible tan tide-mark along my jaw-line! It will be interesting to see how folks react. I'm expecting to experience some gender prejudice! Which is a strong part of why I am motivated to occupy a space of bumbling, and intentionally not trying to occupy a space of 'professional'. I think 'not very confident or competant' is an interesting space from which to sortie into the world, and watch folks prejudice about this unfold!
To prepare for this, I am not practicing skating, magic or balloons! Obviously, on the night, i will want to do well, so it essential that I don't prepare in advance, incase I become accomplished! Ofcourse, I expect to awake on Sat morning cursing my choice to occupy this 'conceptual' space!
you look fab , franko x x x
Hey, thanks franko!
Looking forward to failing in front of my audience, and their reactions! Also falling over!
Hope B'ham is good. See you soon xxx
bona eek!!
is that your nice latty in the background?
hey girldrag, this omi-polone wishes to varda the polone but alas nanti going to be able to hang out at the fantabulosa party due to other commitments. I'm sure that girldrag polone will be bona, dolly and dizzy. Have a meshigener time anyway.
I posted this on your earlier post regarding the event but it's still relevant to you. Good luck and go for it... I'm still missing the cup cakes.
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