Lippy 30th March

I'm going to be doing a performance as part of Bird Club at Lippy, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, SE11 on 30th March. It'd be great if folks want to come down. I know this is the last day of the week at Toynbee Hall for this years mentees, and that it finishes at midday, but if any of you are planning on staying overnight, maybe some of us could hook up at the Tavern. As ever, I'd love support! It will be the first time I've performed on stage for a while, and I predict bad drunk behaviour from audience! But maybe I'll wow them with my home-made props and audience participation...!

sound interesting- i will prob be up for comming, if i manage to get the weekend off work.
Cool. Am hoping to get some of group to come down; could be nice thing to do.. I'm on first I think (eek!). It's an event organised by a friend of mine, in conjunction w les and gay /trans film fest. Film you're going to on 28th sounds good; will check it out; am already going to 4 others, but will see if I can squeeze one more in!
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