Tuesday, April 03, 2007

so frustrating

hello all,

Here I sit trying to upload some images of the week etc wanting to be with you all still; wanting the dialogue, laughter, anxiety, frustration, elation, motivation. For some reason the damn blogger will not let me publish images tonight, I've just tried for the third time; publish the blog, go back in and edit, try attaching again


There is so much going through my mind that I do not know where to start. Stevenage has not got the hustle and bustle of the markets with the food and the smells. The everyday senses that my mind has been tantalised by Africa and London are struggling top find the same things now that I'm back home.

folk ask me how it went and all I can do is smile at them, it's coy I know but words can not explain how I feel at the moment. I can only answer "watch this space" with the biggest smile on my face. I'm keeping my cards close to my chest as even I do not know where my work will go next and now that I'm rambling in rhyme; i say sorry to biggi I need more time. i had no option to be at home as I had a hospital appointment this afternoon.

I'm logging off now as I should be in bed. however the memories of march are rushing through my head. I hope you are all well and things are seeming clearer.

I'm thankful for this blog as you all seem so much nearer


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