Thursday, June 28, 2007

fallen dreams

hello all,
Lisa, a huge thank you for coming out to stevenage and helping me with the nerves and video; your smile and warmth meant everything. I said that the piece is a work in progess and so it is.
The images are taken by me as stills around the installation, there is dvd footage but i have yet to discover how i copy to my machine and onto the blog (but then again maybe not as my rant is once again about consumerism etc

the performance starts (spoken by somebody else)

The year is 2060
The date 6th June
The planet is trying to recover from the ruin

I awake, climb out from my coverings There is a fire in the copper)still working on this as next time i light the fire
I cough and splutter from the pollutants smothering
I rant whilst I continue to build my shelter, beat the copper, have a wash...

I shout
I scream
What made them buy that throw away dream?
What was the meaning of their consumerist daydreaming?
Whilst cruising the internet for all of their jollies
Spending on borrowed lolly
Ramp up the heat
Block out the sun
As we stand here on the edge of the new evolution

I Move to fire and beat out the copper with hammer
Why do I wait for the sky to perspire?
My throat is parched
It feels on fire
When the drops do fall from the clouds above
Polluted they are from the consumerist lust
They poison the planet with all of their chemicals
Us bloody Homo Sapiens think we know it all

I move to the willow wall
That was the reason where it all went wrong
We did not listen to the warning about the pollution
Our governments were too busy
Building the weapons of mass destruction
Paid for by corruption
To fight the battle
This makes my mind rattle

I move to the buckets
Was that the solution
Never mind now
It is too late
For it happened
I’m too tired now
I’m feeling week
In the mirror I see my furrowed brow
Inside I feel humble and meek
i move back to the shelter
All of the troubles
Was it worth it?
I shout
I scream
I’ll go to sleep

there is a lot more work to do on this, feedback would be useful. I aim to recall a visit to stevenage for all and artsadmin etal in september.

I'll be away for most of july on a get away from it all... no computer, have mobile phone heading to north wales on the canal system. (at least i can pee overboard)

big hugs for now



Blogger de-mentored said...

dear joon well done it looks intresting . hope you are well , im feeling a bit better , but im exausted .. of course you can come to italy .
x x franko

29 June, 2007 07:58  
Blogger jon said...

franko, u fired me up with the research u loaned me, still digesting the dvds etc. i'll call u in the week.

29 June, 2007 23:59  

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