Sunday, January 28, 2007
Previous Posts
- strictly bondage
- art is
- relinqishing the right to comment
- I don't knowwwwwhat is it...
- hello everyonenew and old people....i ve been terr...
- insomnia and meds
- what can we do about it
- I can put up 2 people during residency week..
- Hello everyone! I am here!
- selfportrait. to see more go to zaza's blogspot.
hello zaza , is good at least you are putting stuff you have product it your self , and i quaet like it. x x
I wanted to say how much easier, (hmm, maybe not the right word).... some of your images, for me, are much more accessible? Sorry, I'm not quite sure exactly what it is i am saying- well, i know what it is i am trying to say.....
a lot of the text you've posted on the blog is difficult to read, for me.... i guess i don't know how to respond to it...because actually i feel a bit uncomfortable with it.....and i am sure this is very much about my not understanding why someone would want to put themself in such a position to be dominated....
this is incredibly fractured, i apologise, but i could not say anything at all, but i don't think my avoiding it, avoiding your posts is of any benefit to anyone, so what i'm writing here is very instinctive, and i do not mean to offend, (hopefully it will just open up a conversation that will expand- the conversation and the work and an understanding of it, and maybe not just for me....)
This image, of the shoe kind of reminds me of a surrealist image.....but some of the more obviously bondgae images, i struggle to relate to in any way- i mean, on a visual level, it is those images that are more ambiguous that are more interesting for me...the hands tied behind the chair..... when the image allows some sort of space for me to get something from it....and maybe that's why i feel so much less able to get anything other than an obvious reaction to the text and some of teh other bondage images...i mean the text is very obvious in what it's about, so it's diffcult to respond to other than with how i feel about your position within that dialogue as a female, but even then it seems like a dead end, because i don't get it works on a visual level, and because that's important to me, those images/text that you have posted that hold such a weighty dialogue without the visual draw i find hard to get anything from....
I hope this makes some sort of sense.....I'm not quite sure exactly what it is i'm trying to explain, but wanted to try at least....
maybe I will give it some more thought and come back later.
I hope you're well!!
katherine i think your coment is very good and it really asks the rigth questions , x x
the thing about domination for me is not that i am "putting" myself in that position but that i am "exploring" that side of myself in a safe environment; in a context of control and role play...i agee with katherine and it is a difficult subject and so much of it is offensive and crass to say the least. i am looking at what else it has to offer,trying to get something inspiring and beautiful and i really appreciate your honesty and will also come back to this. thankyou
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