Tuesday, November 07, 2006



I hope everyone is well.

In my head I keep coming back to this idea about habit in art, in art practice.
I think there are habits that come to form themselves in teh approach one makes to work....making notes, a particular way of logging ideas or images....the things we read and when and the dialogues we have...I think these are habits, but actually not habits, because they all require maintenance, they require us to engage in them.

Sitting in the Tate with madelaine at teh weekend the idea of habit came up.... some of the things on the blog I agree with and others seem quite alien, but I am thinking about it a lot....it kind of pervades my thoughts silently whilst I am doing other things.

Images seem to be things I gather frequently. There is little conscious decision making in what determines what I keep and what I disregard without a hesitation. But I think maybe this is a habit within my practice...although generally I think I am not too keen on the idea of habit, maybe because I hold habits in a not positive light....because I want more than mundanity and I think, well, I haven't really thought about it too much, but because in my head habit equates with doing it without thinking, those things that are banal and regular, and because I don't want to think of my practice in that way...

Just some perusing thoughts...

...and images that have become part of the big pile of accumulations on my desk at home.

With love Katherine.


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