Monday, January 29, 2007

films as a way of feeding....


Blogger de-mentored said...

hello katerine , no image ,,?? x x

29 January, 2007 23:36  
Blogger Katherine said...

So, what have I been up to....

since writing on the blog at the beginning of january that i was ecstatic and on top of the world, i feel like i slid down somewhat during the latter part of that first week and have been feeling a bit flat since....i'm sure it has something to do with being january- i have been tld by so many know it alls that it's the most depressing time of the year, i'm not depressed, just feeling flat....

I haven't been able to get so excited about anything and generally feel not so motivated and engaged.....and even though i know what noramlly helps, just getting myself to do those small things seems too much most of the time. Having said that though, I am feeling a bit better today....just writing on the blog a couple of days ago seems to get my head in a much more receptive state.

But I have been watching quite a lot of films recently.... as a way of relieving feeling guilty for not being productive and busy. the image is from pan's labyrinth. A friend recommended it and i wasn't so hot on the idea, as i thought it was an animation and, well i didn't know anything about it. But the iamgery in this film was just amazing.

Small things stick in my head like they were made just to engage me and my head on a visual level....this creature has no eyes, and when you first see it in the film it kind of looks asleep, and has its hands flat on the table...long pointy fingernails, and this small silver dish with two eyeballs on......but when he is woken, he puts an eyeball into the palm of each hand and then holds his hands up to his eyes...i really cannot do it justice- this image is a bit on the small side, but you can easily find more if you typr pan's labyrinth into google images....i don't know why it's such a strong image for me, but it's got me, and i'm not really one for creatures and ghouls etc.

The film is fantastic- i recommend it!

Another image is of the girl with this piece of chalk she's given that creates doors when she draws with it.....we all know chalk, we've probably all used it, but the physicality of it for me just watching this film...that small noise as it clinks to the floor and the mark it makes...i feel the need to draw white chalk lines on dark damp surfaces....under bridges that sit across rivers...

I've watched a lot of not so good films too, but over th epast few weeks, there have been some that make me feel alive again, and make me want to make my own work, which is always quite an unusual sense of urgency as if i could do or make or allow anything to happen....

the light in pan's labyrinth was beautiful too- everything seemed to have a certain tone too it- a rich depth, but in a heavy traditional way- like the colour of heavy wet moss you can sometimes see as you walk under the arces along teh south bank or that burgundy colour of fabric in old renaissance paintings....

which brings me back to this question about portraiture, well, kind of...

I want the work I make to work visually for me as weel as on some level with a sense of meaning or intellectual/mental engagement. it's really important, and i think it plays a bit part in what i am drawn to in other people's work too....being drawn to it because of how it appears- how it holds itself, .....I'm trying to think of an example now.....ok, maybe not such a good example, but i am drawn to the images of vanessa beecroft's 'performances' - visually they strike me, or get hold of me, and alongside that is the knowing of the presence of them, and also that meaning level too..... nightmare to try to articulate what it is i mean, but snapshots aren't enough......because they seem too familiar already maybe? or maybe it has something to do with being able to situate them in a time and space too easily?....actually that's not such a good example...i might have to come back to this....

29 January, 2007 23:41  
Blogger Katherine said...

The image should be there by now....just it's small....
i can't pinpoint why i feel so excited about it, but i feel agitated by it- in an excited my legs are jiggling and my feet are fidgety kind of way....

29 January, 2007 23:43  
Blogger Steven said...


30 January, 2007 00:16  
Blogger de-mentored said...

what is that steven???

30 January, 2007 09:13  
Blogger Steven said...

"i can't pinpoint why i feel so excited about it, but i feel agitated by it- in an excited my legs are jiggling and my feet are fidgety kind of way...."

Way back in the day,maybe even on the old forum, Katherine talked about seeing flys die, twitching and moving as they run out of life. Her statment above reminded me of it.

30 January, 2007 14:50  
Blogger Katherine said...

The flys act in the same way as the image triggers something, it's stained on the image reel in my head...

30 January, 2007 22:26  
Blogger Katherine said...

I have been having problems getting onto the blog for a while, and each time I had to go through this process of clicking on the 'i've forgotten my passowrd' thing and then going back to my email account to change it etc....and i've only just realised that my username is not katherine, but my email about me being slow!!

30 January, 2007 22:28  
Blogger Katherine said...

I have been having problems getting onto the blog for a while, and each time I had to go through this process of clicking on the 'i've forgotten my passowrd' thing and then going back to my email account to change it etc....and i've only just realised that my username is not katherine, but my email about me being slow!!

30 January, 2007 22:28  

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