Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Another Roadside Attraction.
I am showing a couple of videos this Wednesday 30th May at the Griffen pub (upstairs)
Leonard Street, Shoreditch.
Hope you can make it,
I'll post the proper invite soon,
call me if you need more info
Saturday, May 26, 2007
1 2 1
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
part 2 will now be durational...
Is anyone likely to come to either? Is it the sort of thing that interests you or it boring...any and all feedback is welcome..really! just feel like i've dropped a stone down a well and i can't hear an echoe and it's not reaching the bottom...! I feel a bit on the outside as I come from a theatre background and the rest of you guys (in oour year) have a visual arts background...i know this shouldn't matter but i think it has some no one comments!!!!!!
- I've been working on this research and development for over a year off and on and it's momentous for me to show apsects of what I've done and also a scarey prospect! Biggi - I echoe your thoughts on the pv...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
out of sight out of mind...
I am going into retreat today for 10 days. 10 Days of total silence and waking up at 4am! I have also recently finished my job, and am moving back to London when i come out of retreat. So lot's of changes and work on myself. Hopefully it will help me get my mojo back and reconnect with my art practice/motivation.
Lisa- sorry i will miss the first event- but should be able to come to the second. hope your all doing well.
see you very soon
oh FRANKO- It maybe good to have a 1 to 1 with you soon after i move to london - mid june time. I am out of contact for ten days- but will talk to you when i resurface. xx
Monday, May 21, 2007
Invitation to space of memory parts 1 & 2

Dearest Peeps,
I would like to invite you to a 2 part work-in-progress / presentation of findings which culminates a period of research and development into spaces of memory and intimate narratives of the home, how we take our lares with us.
I would value your feedback at these events and your support! I am presenting my findings and process in 2 parts as an introduction to a future work.
Part 1: 64c - is an invitation to witness part of the process as the beginnings of an installation, to be viewed alone
Part 2: I can't find you and you've got the things I've left unspoken - is the result of a week long experimentation using material from 64c as a starting point. Please find further details below...
I really hope you can make it.
With best wishes,
To book email Lisa:
1. 64c
Mon 28 May - Fri 1 June, 10am - 6pm
an open studio-turned installation, in an unoccupied flat, to be viewed alone
Appointments are available between 10am and 6pm. You are free to visit for up to an hour
Rendezvous: You will be met outside Clapton rail station in Hackney, E5 and escorted to the flat - which is nearby. Full details will be provided upon booking.
2. I can’t find you and you’ve got the things I’d often leave unspoken
11 and 12 June, 7:30pm
3 performers create a sketch for a performance, an experimentation with material used in 64c, a dialogue with you and katabasis....remembrance and the society at large...versions of the truth...the weight of an individual's life, breath, presence, memories, self
Location: The White Room, People Show Studios, Pollard Row, London E2 6NB
To book email Lisa:
Please note: numbers are limited to 8 per day for Part 1
Part 2 will run from 7:30pm ending at are free to turn up at any time and come and go as you please. RSVP would be helpful - to give us an idea of numbers
Space of Memory concept/direction: Lisa Alexander. Part 1 and Part 2 have involved a collaboration with composer and sound artist Rob Canning.
Part 2 performers: Rebecca Bogue, Robert Cook and Jane Munro
space of memory is supported by Arts Council England and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
The project has included home visits and interviews in London, Liverpool and Glasgow, a story surgery in person and by email, and in the last phase a collaboration with a composer/sound artist and performers
Thursday, May 17, 2007
well... I am pushing myself and try it...
In relation to the Island project residency I have just finished - there is a second half:
It is a one week exhibition of our work in progress and some finished work. I will hopefully show a video and some details about the Eat Art Party I did last September. So... everybody is welcome to come and see. It is a tiny space in a gallery in a park.
Tue 29 May - Sun 3 June from 12-5pm, P.V. is on the 29th from 17.00 till 20.00.
The Changing Room Gallery, Lloyd Park, Forest Road, Walthamstow E17 5EH Open Access - No booking required
so, if anyone is up for it... it's not such a big deal though... so don't be disappointed if it is not a mega show.
Thanks for all your support you guys. It's very much appreciated. xx :-)
Sign the petition against gov's diversion of arts funding to Olympics!
funds away from the arts:
Over £200,000,000 will be diverted away from
arts and culture every year over the next five years, in order to make
up the budget deficit for the 2012 Olympics. Established and cutting
edge companies are losing their core funding left and right, theatres,
galleries and dance spaces are closing. The world's attention, when
brought to England for the 2012 Olympic Games, will be shown a country
facing a deep crisis in much of its creative industry.
Please click on the link below (or copy paste it into your browser bar)
and sign the officially registered petition. Perhaps public outcry can
help make a difference.
Sign it and pass on!!
it's another arrgghh but just for the sense of not being able to decide this time
My summer has kicked in in stevenage with community projectys which i held my hand up tp last year and things I have commited myself to are coming into action and i'm not one for letting local folk down.
My projects coming up are as follows
- 4-15 june 4half days with a local school working on Digswell Arts Trust heritage project making a 8ftx8ft 3d chess set out of recycled materials based on myths, fantasy and legends to be exhibited in our town gallery along with the heritage project in July.
- 10th june - stevenage day- mmm me thinks i may have to pass across my responsibilities to some one else in the studio base here as I have a full month of community workshops with our main youth centre in August which i need to get prepared for in terms of paper work, schedules, contracts, materials etc - but at least this year I'm getting the young people to create some live art and performance poetry/rap alongside projected photography. this makes me happy because i get to trial some ideas whilst getting paid
- 22/24th june open studios -i'm still in a real dilema as to what i want to be doing so if there is any chance of dialouge with any of you it would be great bounce some ideas.
this brings me to Rachel mentioning camping out at the farmhouse. this has been known in the past. if your up for it give me a confirmed date and i'll get a confirmation from our trustees etc. I'm up for it and it would allow me a chance to run through some trials and tribulations and shift through the detritus in my studio before our open weekend to make my the weekend into an event worth inviting my contacts in the arts council and others across for.
I have not got any exhibtions in terms of gallery space lined up this year as this is my year of research and development so i guess i'm asking the more people that are around who could possibly help with some documentation and some hefty yes's and no's and not at all's would be most appreciated.
I'm going to leave my ramblings here as ther is a shed load of other stuff happening outside of the artworld having to organise birthday party for partner, health, building works, family and such like.
I still have a smile on my face and am so glad that in some way you are all there, even if i don't get to see you at every event i know that there is somewhere that i can just ramble about the world frustrations jubilations and so on...
I'll see some of you at some point over the weekend when i make up my bloody mind in which way to travel. in the meantime i wish you all well
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
As this is a limited capacity event and we expect to
be over subscribed, we are operating a guest list.
However, if you have friends coming please let them
know that they must contact us here either by email or telephone 020 7354 4771 to
be added to the guest list.
Sincere regards,
Lea O'Loughlin
Studio Manager
Florence Trust Studios
St. Saviours, Aberdeen Park
London, N5 2AR
ph. 020 7354 4771
Don't Leave Me This Way
Franko B in collaboration with Kamal Ackarie
Saturday 19 May / 7pm
CBSO Centre, Berkley Street, Birmingham
0121 767 4050 / £8 / £6 concessions
Franko B makes a welcome return to fierce festival
with his new piece ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’. Franko
has earned himself both notoriety and great artistic
acclaim with performances such as ‘I Miss You’ where
he used his flesh as literal raw material, tearing
into his own skin to create his visceral blood-based
works. In ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’ – which has been
developed with lighting designer Kamal Ackarie –
Franko’s body one again provides both the subject and
form of the piece, yet here it remains unruptured as
the artist asks us to consider his prone frame as a
living sculpture...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Catch up
I am sorry for my absence of late, I'm afraid May is shaping up to be my busiest month of the year, I am currently desperatly trying to finish work for two shows installing this weekend!!! One is with Fierce at Wolverhampton: Archive Of Idolatry for which I have nearly finished the prosthetic limbs and the heads which will show the small speaker I use, and my custom built Beard. I've been having some trouble with my project manager at fierce (i'd like to chat to you about this Franko as I think you've worked with her too) which is making the whole process alot more difficult! And after all their promises they only canged one sentence in my blurb!! I'm not happy with them at all.
Also I am trying to finish editing my video sermon for Vivid which installs at the same fucking time.. I will get there...
Biggi I am very sorry I couldn't be there for the results of your residency although I have checked it out online! I hope you understand.
After this week I will be free again! Only one more shows in late June and I will dedicate more time to my fellow mentees,
Tom, I love the pics of Italy, Franko as ever your show looks amazing and Jon I hope your feeling in better spirits!?
I will post some pics of the shows soon,
With love, Minda
Monday, May 14, 2007
Story Surgery by email / phone or post - invitation to lodge some material

INSTRUCTIONS – how to take part:
Pick a room in your home
1. Every day over a 7 day period, record a moment in that room – in any way – [text, sketch, photo, sound etc]
2. Write a timeline of the places you’ve lived in: noting down events that took place in your life as you go– do this quickly/automatically – take no longer than 5 minutes (mark when you moved into your current home)
3. Take one picture of your room and take a further 2 – 3 of selected details (you can use your mobile)
4. Select something from the Timeline to tell me about in a letter or email or as a message left on my phone
Please note: for questions 1, 2, 3 – please text, email or phone through each moment, timeline, picture (as appropriate)
emiail: for all contact details
image is of last week's Story surgery at Candid Arts (the objects are items of significance to included a projective test, an interview on foot, donating an unwanted possession amongst others things.. unfortunately 5 people didn't make it - maybe due to putting this one down to experience..more to follow
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Help - how can I get over this...
I think what I want to say is that I am sorry that I didn't let anyone know in advance what I was doing.
I have this problem that I don't dare to tell people when I am doing something because I am afraid of it. Am not sure what I am exactly afraid of? I think it is that lack of self-confidence being able to face non-direct criticism.
How can one overcome something like that? How can I dare to tell people well in advance that I am doing something, so that they actually see that I am active - but as well that I have the chance to knit a wider net of contacts and get my work seen - meet more people? I always tend to keep things secret and only invite about 2 or 3 friends... I know that i should feel secure enough with the mentoring group to invite everyone well in advance to experiments or exhibitions... but somehow I don't seem to think that I deserve that because it my exploration or work not good enough.
Can anyone give me a tip?
Thank you very much,
Friday, May 11, 2007
No Artist is an Island - Biggi wants your feedback at her test-run
All are invited to see the result of her residency tomorrow - Saturday - 11am is the 1st event. Full details at:
Artillery News
'No Artist is an Island'
Artillery is organising the next installment of the Island Project for May 2007.
After a successful pilot in September 2006 we return to the Island in greater numbers to revisit the project space and develop new work.
You can visit the Island Project in Lloyd Park, Walthamstow on the open day Saturday 12 May...and take part in many events organised by the participants.
Cinzia Cremona, Liz Ellis, Juliet Jensen, Laura Kerry, Isabel Lee, Anna-Lucie Feracci, Wendy Macmillan, Hattie Spires, Lucy Steggals, Biggi Stiller, Manuela Zechner
Thursday, May 10, 2007
me and franko have been going through our photos from italy, as you can see below. we had a good time... busy.
it will be good to meet up soon and see everyone again, and catch up properly... jon - i hope you start to get better soon.
i will say more soon, from tom x.
performance at fierce festival
Franko B in collaboration with Kamal Ackarie
Saturday 19 May / 7pm
CBSO Centre, Berkley Street, Birmingham
0121 767 4050 / £8 / £6 concessions
One of Fierce’s most popular and provocative performers, Franko B makes a welcome return to the festival with his new piece ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’. Franko has earned himself both notoriety and great artistic acclaim with performances such as ‘I Miss You’ where he used his flesh as literal raw material, tearing into his own skin to create his visceral blood-based works. In ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’ – which has been developed with lighting designer Kamal Ackarie – Franko’s body one again provides both the subject and form of the piece, yet here it remains unruptured as the artist asks us to consider his prone frame as a living sculpture. However the piece is no less visceral than Franko’s previous works for as the audience’s eyes wander over his heavily tattooed frame the room is slowly engulfed with blinding light which literally scorches the image onto the retinas as much as it does the memory.
The research and development of this piece was made possible with the kind support of the Arts Council of England
talk at florence trust
i'm doing a talk at florence trust studios.
if anyone wants to come , they will need to contact the studio and register their names. i think you need to mention will when you contact them, so they know who you are.
we could meet up and then go out to dinner that evening???
The Franko B Talk will be held on SUNDAY 20th May at 4PM.
As this is a limited capacity event and we expect to be over subscribed, we are operating a guest list.
However, if you have friends coming please let them know that they must contact us here either by email or telephone 020 7354 4771 to be added to the guest list.
Sincere regards,
Lea O'Loughlin
Studio Manager
Florence Trust Studios
St. Saviours, Aberdeen Park
London, N5 2AR
ph. 020 7354 4771
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
some time soon would be good,

I really feel like I have become part of a really big family. my conversations with people are about you guys and what it has brought to my life, the bestest decision I've made in a long time.
any way enough of my ramblings
the studio base has an acre of grounds and a whole valley park for a wander/ramble/sit down/unwind/run around and be silly. it's an interesting space with a quirky bunch of people
hope the images tantalise and tease...
once again thank you for keeping it real
hugs jon xx
Sunday, May 06, 2007
when are we meeting next ???
franko x
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Frustrated beyond belief
I'm really annoyed with myself. when everything seems to be going good my health stuffs up and i get anxious and upset. i feel that I'm missing out on so much that is going on due to yet another infection. so many opportunities pass by the screen of the internet that I think I'll apply for that but alas I think I'm on major burn out at the moment.
Still going into the studio if/when I can and getting some stuff done but always have to deal with the burning agony of not be able to travel to London to hook up with folk as i can not travel to far from a bathroom at the moment.
the wee man has a big toilet problem and it's driving me insane; but hey ho, everything is being documented and what fun could be had from the not so pleasant experience.
as they sing in finding nemo 'just keep swimming', just keep swimming'
I need to post something on the blog and it may not be what some of you wish to read; it just frustrates me that I so want to come out to play but alas until they install toilets on tubes and buses I can't and they haven't fitted me with a catheter yet!!! and why do things take so long on the NHS? What kind of health system do we really have. be sure living as a HIV+ gay man can sometimes make you really feel like a third class citizen. It's not the staffs fault but this country really needs to sort its act out and stop playing god with peoples emotions and mental heath.
pure frustration arrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I want to be out with every one having fun but no I have top wait in line with the thousands of disillusioned patients waiting for appointments in a fucked up system. DO I SO WISH I HAD PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE... mmm, the private sector wins again whilst the poor suffer. such an equal democratic society we live in.
This brings me to Jacob mentioning about Felix, yes bollotix in art does have an effect... so many artists have used their creativity to vent frustrations of the world situation.
enough of my rant but just needed to get everything of my chest as i am so missing the major interaction.
good luck to those that are doing at the moment and apologise to those whose events i miss; believe me it's not that I want to be missing them.
otherwise big cyber hugs from the world of Jon and i'll be back over the next couple of days with some images and hopefully a more positive frame of mind.
franko, was speaking with Mr Kefford after the performance the other night. my thoughts are with you xx
The next four days
If anyone is aroudn thsi weekend it would be good to meet up...I will try to text everyone I have a number for also, in case anyone is not on the blog....If anyone is free and looking for something to do on Saturday I am showing some work as part fo EEC on Saturday 5 May.
Also, I wondered whether anyone wanted to meet on Monday......I don't know what exactly to suggest, but if I say meet at
TATE MODERN AT 11.30AM ON BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY we can then go from there/decide what to do, depending on the weather..., (my number is 07886 655089 if you can't don't want to make it, or if you do and want to let me know)
sorry this is a very brief post- feeling anxious and distracted...
East End Collaborations- Sat 5 May
A platform for new performance based works in London.
Dates: Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 May 2007
Times: 18.00 daily
Place: The Arts Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
East End Collaborations is a partnership between Queen Mary, University of London and the Live Art Development Agency which offers a range of support structures for emergent artists working with Live Art in London, and a chance to see the artists of tomorrow today.
EEC 2007 platform artist's mentors are Franko B, Joshua Sofaer and Stacy Makishi.
EEC Platform Programme 2007:
Saturday 5 May from 18.00
Faye Heller, Katherine Hymers, Aisling Bolger, Sarah-Jane Grimshaw,
Carlos Noronha Feio, Ms Rowan O’Neill, Lee Jieun, Victoria Archer,
Jon Francis of Livestock performs/
Sunday 6 Mayfrom 18.00
Lucy Panesar, Faye Heller, Julie Aldivina Thérond, John Wild,
Dan and James, Rehana Zaman, Jungmin Song, Maya Zbib
Tickets: £7 (£5 concessions) per day or £10 (£8 concession) for a 2 day pass.
Bookings: 020 7882 5196 or email:
Venue: The Arts Building, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS (between Mile End and Stepney Green Tubes)
The EEC Platform 2007 is part of Joining the Dots, a Live Art Development Agency professional development initiative for artists across the UK, being developed with Queen Mary University of London, and East End Collaborations. Joining the Dots is supported by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and the Gulbenkian Foundation.
One more slot left on story surgery
10th may - Candid Arts trust- 15mins
any takers? or know anyone?
- let me know by email if u or yrs fancy it..
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
help please....
I need to ask a big favour of someone/anyone with a car…
I am borrowing a plinth from Artsadmin at the weekend for the work I am showing as part of East End Collaborations on 5 May, but I need to transport this plinth in a car from Toynbee Studios on Friday night to Queen Mary (nr Mile End tube) on Saturday, and then back again on Sunday. I think my sister is going to help me on Sunday with her car, but if anyone can help on Friday night/ Saturday you would be doing me a really big favour. I am collecting the plinth on Friday night, and it’s available at around 9.30pm. Can I store it in someone’s boot on Friday night? And then get a lift to Queen Mary on Saturday around 11-midday?
Please do let me know if you think you might be able to help. It’s another one of those occasions when I really bloody need a car, but I’m a month or so too early, (roll on June when I actually fork out for one!!).
I can do favours in return, buy drinks, pay for a ticket to EEC over the weekend…..
Please do let me know if you can help..
Katherine….(feeling a little anxious!!)
the political
I have been thinking about some of the stuff that came up from the residency- esspeccially about the political in art and making statements. It brought me back to a really good interview i read with felix gonzalez-torres. This section in particualr came to maind:
"Do you think there's a way to break the intellectual habits that result from generations of moralizing protest art. Such work is based on the idea that the artist is there to enlighten a socially benighted world, along with that comes the expectation that the artist personally be a beacon of virtue so that if, at any point, they are shown to be less than pure, then everything they say is subsequently dismissed as bogus. This has happened over and over, as if the social content of art were limited to individual ethical exercises rather than thinking of art as political and cultural probe?
Let's go to the political arena, I'll say, the real political arena, and say that some politicians that have not been "good," yet they have done some very wonderful things for everyone, improving the quality of life for a lot of us in a very tangible way and at the most intimate personal levels. Like some of the programs John F. Kennedy started. I'm a product of that. I went to school because of what that man started. Womanizers and drunks and all that stuff, guys with mob connections made all these changes possible so that someone like me could the get loans and go to school. That's just one simple example of from life. Let's move forward to a certain degree, in terms of the kind of protest art that says all Capital is bad, Bennetton is bad. We know that! We really do know that. We don't need a gallery space to find out something we read in the news."
you can read the whole interview at:
I don't know if this is interesting to anyone?
check in
I am still alive and quite busy- i go in cycles- my attention goes in cycles...
i a lot of things in my life are on hold, kind of, while i wait to hear if i have got on to an MA. I am moving back to london soon. lots going on. I will check in on here more over the week, and try and engage with some of the posts.
I hope your all doing well, under the sun. I fucking love the weather!! i went swimming in the lake on hampsted heath yesterday. I don't think there is anything better!
Love to you all--
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I need some help!
Can anyone spare 3hrs next thurs eve (6:15-9:30) 10th May to help me with this small R&D event in London (Angel) - it'd really help me out!
I am doing a series of short 'story surgeries' / interviews next week (- there are several slots left for those i haven't interviewed yet - so let me know if you want ot book a slot - they're going fast..)
Main thing is though that I really need some help with managing the interviewees as they arrive / showing them to waitng area etc /aka clip board and the like. No pay - but drinks on me afterwards!
thanks Jon for your help with e-flyer
details of event below
story surgery
10th May 2007
slots available between 6:30pm – 9:30pm
You are invited to participate in a 15minute story surgery in The Banquet Room, downstairs at The Candid Arts Trust. Detail of slots available and how to book are at the end of this email).
By interview on foot I will facilitate a visceral encounter of your memory
This will be recorded as part of space of memory, a period of research and development for a performance, an installation and a sound/music piece; routed in an exploration of what a space of memory is and the intimate narratives of the home, how (to quote Bachelard) we take our lares with us.
I am experimenting with ways of getting at memory – the story surgeries are part of this process, which has also involved visiting friends' and strangers' homes around the UK
I hope that I can meet you for a surgery. The following appointments are still available:
7:10pm – 7:25pm
7:35pm – 7:50pm
8pm – 8:15pm
8:25pm – 8:40pm
8:50pm – 9:05pm
9:15pm – 9:30pm
To book a slot (or if you have any queries) email Lisa Alexander:
Candid Arts Trust is round the corner from The Angel tube (Northern Line)
Please wear comfortable shoes
You will need to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment
Full details to be provided upon booking
Please note: no personal material will be used without due consultation and will be treated as anonymous
space of memory is supported by Arts Council England and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation